Saturn Square Uranus

On Monday June 14th the strongest planetary configuration of the year occurs. Saturn square Uranus already happened once on February 17th, and will return again on December 24th. These planets move slowly enough that we are experiencing the effects as ongoing.
Saturn is the most conservative cautious planet. It operates on a spectrum between being disciplined and methodical all the way to repression and obstruction. Saturn, the planet of authority represents our personal sovereignty, but also our fears and limitations. It also acts as the structures of society- governments, economies, corporate power. It is expressing in the sign of Aquarius which is very egalitarian, forward thinking, freedom loving, and sometimes radical. Aquarius wants to innovate and operates through science and technology to create the future. Aquarius uses collaboration- friendships, affiliations, and politics all the way to the general collective consciousness. So Saturn is either holding back and regulating the Aquarian expression, or is setting up systems to normalize and institutionalize the changes. An example of the latter is the government releasing information about Air Force sightings of UFO’s.
Uranus is the most radical planet and rapidly and spontaneously demands freedom and breaks with the past. It has been expressing in the careful plodding sign of Taurus since 2018. Taurus is tenacious, inflexible, and persistent. Taurus likes to take time and adjust slowly. It represents our values, our money, and our bodies. The body can be an individual person, but also the body of Mother Earth.
These two planets are clashing in a dynamic tension between old and new, between hope and doubt, between responsibility and liberation, between governments and the needs of the populous. Saturn is the cement and Uranus is the jackhammer.
There are often readjustments of stock markets or currencies when Saturn and Uranus conflict. Remember that astrology can show up anywhere on the planet, not just the USA. When these planets interacted in February it manifested as the Gamestop Revolution when young investors collaborated on social media and outsmarted big institutional hedge funds. Robinhood, the app that was used is a perfect metaphor for Uranus in Taurus. There will be more collective endeavors to upset the economic status quo.
On a personal level we are feeling restlessness, shock, and excitement, coupled with resistance to change. Many of us are adjusting our values and questioning our status quo. Examine: What outmoded belief systems are giving you fear? What do you stand for? What motivates you to grow? What feels authentic and precious? What people match you now? What are new ways to accept and support yourself? What feels fresh and optimistic? If you are met with an obstinate reaction to differences of opinion don’t go crazy. Breathe, take a detached perspective and assert your dignity. Commit to maturely craft your future with Love.
Saturn squared Uranus in 1999 when the The Matrix movie was first released. It has become a classic dystopian film that had innovative special effects. It was very fast action and violence oriented, but expressed important and interesting themes about society. It was about an insurgency to truly liberate humanity from an evil situation. Uranus is problematic because it is so unpredictable that it can spur genuine humanitarian unrest, or erratic actions based on denial of reality. Here is a quotation from the script:
“Buckle your seatbelt Dorothy, because Kansas is going bye bye.”