Mars Retrograde in Gemini 10/30-1/12/23
Mars is the raw energy planet of action, initiative, and self-assertion. It is daring, decisive, and eager. Its less skillful side is agressive, over competitive or irritable. After all, it was the Roman god of war. This past August 20th it entered the sign expression of Gemini. We experienced an overload of ideas, connections, factoids, and messages. Gemini is a very curious, clever, busy, adaptable energy but it can be scattered. Its shadow side can be trickery, lies, gossip, and mental overload. Mars just went backwards on Sunday October 30th. We will be reconsidering and reviewing some of the bright ideas and new associations we have formed since late August. We may have verbal fatigue. We may edit ourselves in judgmental ways, or we may just be more discerning about our communications. If you have been having arguments you may gain an understanding of your opponent’s view. If your life involves writing or data you may have a mental block. Ask yourself, “What is really meaningful and important for me to say.” It can be useful to reduce your use of all kinds of media and focus on your body and psyche. Since Gemini is the sign of twins, and Mars is actions, many things may have to be done twice. Be patient about re-dos. Think before you speak and notice when you want to distract yourself from uncomfortable feelings. After Mars goes direct it will still be in Gemini until March 23, so we can reach out and communicate with more wisdom.